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Floyd Wray, Author of the Duplexed Narrative

A self-described “media migrant,” Floyd Wray has written for television and film. As a contributor to technical journals and magazines, he has also performed technology research for American and Japanese companies.

Anticipating the eventual transition from paper-based to electronic narrative, Floyd Wray explored a wide variety of hybridization styles. Since no single authoring solution addressed the broad requirements for rich media integration, he developed his own company – MotionBooks. *(See more at

As a filmmaker-videographer, Wray provided production services to the Austin tech industry in the ‘70s and ‘80s. In the mid-80s, he joined the team at Byte by Byte Corporation, during the company’s development of the first 3D-modeling software. In the 1990s, Wray worked with Human Code, a digital media company in Austin, Texas which included media research for The Discovery Channel.

Wray has written numerous books: Raising the Dead, The Adventures of TBUG & Sasquatch, Scribe-Geezer, and Blood Toys. (Use your smart phone or tablet to take a screenshot of the QR code. Then in photos, click the code and scroll through videos to see the Blood Toys trailer). His most recent work includes an augmented reality history in The Battle of the Alamo.

When partnered with a smartphone or tablet, The Battle of the Alamo invites the reader to travel back to 1836 and “step inside” the Alamo. The magic of a Smart Book! Look and feel – the duplexed narrative is what brings a book to life in real time. Starting with traditional text, it includes QR coding to link to enhanced media.  It’s a 3D interactive adventure in augmented reality! Floyd Wray will be demonstrating this technique at the June 22 meeting of the Springfield Writers’ Guild.

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